Getting ready for open enrollment

Open Enrollment is an interesting time with your insurance policy – the year is coming to a close and it’s time to see what the next year brings.  A couple of key points for you to consider for open enrollment:

  • Are my needs changing – do I anticipate consuming more or less healthcare next year than I did this year?
  • Did my premium change significantly?
  • Was my premium the right size for me this year?
  • Am I happy with the service from my insurance carrier?
  • Were claims handled to my satisfaction?
  • Were there surprises in the doctors that I could see or the cost of prescriptions?

Choosing health insurance can be pretty confusing, but it’s important to keep in mind that as your needs change, your insurance should change with you.  Just because you can’t change throughout the year doesn’t mean that you should ignore the opportunity that annual open enrollment brings.   These thoughts really apply whether you have an individual policy purchased through an insurer directly or a policy through your employer.

If you would like more information or have any questions, please fill out the contact form and we can continue our conversation.

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